Monday, April 22, 2013


All my life I have been accused of having a black thumb. The miniature rose I received as a high school graduation gift only survived through the first month of college. After my first child was born my father gave me a pot of cacti. They died too. Thus, the "You are less nourishing than a desert" speech.

Despite this, I have once again found myself puttering around the yard. So far so good. Would you believe that I have spent over 8 hours between Saturday and today weeding my flower beds? Eight hours. And I'm not done yet. Just mostly done. =) My entire body aches from the effort of pulling and squatting for so long. Which means it's really good for me. The sunshine isn't bad either. ;-) Especially since I picked up my new glasses (transitions!!!).

I am attempting to start a vegetable garden from seeds. Scary...I've never done that before... It's been a fun experiment for me and the girls. Every morning we run out to see which seeds are doing what. So far the green beans are the biggest, with the peas in second place. Aside from an incident with a chipmunk and a tiny tomato sprout and Tempe needing to "see" the sunflower there have been no casualties in this process. But the year is still young. Ha.

See? My little seedlings. Green beans, peas, two varieties of tomatoes, corn, and sunflowers. Not all pictured
Another fun thing about gardening is that I can be productive, completely ignoring the growing pile of dishes. Who needs to vacuum when there is weeding to be done?

Also, you find fun surprises in the yard. We moved in to this house almost one year ago so we missed most of the spring flowers...imagine my surprise when these showed their gorgeous faces!
My second favorite flower. Aren't they gorgeous?
We even have an apricot!
This tree hasn't even been here a year, and look!
So maybe my thumb isn't so black after all??? Maybe there is hope for me yet? We'll see...don't want to get my hopes up too much. If you have an handy tips for gardening, vegetable or otherwise please share! I need all the help I can get!

Stay tuned for more adventures in gardening...

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